Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities is the social service arm of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, which includes the twenty southernmost counties of Minnesota spanning the territory from the Mississippi River to the South Dakota border. Its mission is to serve the poor and marginalized, advocate for social justice, and call all people to the ministry of Christ.
Catholic Charities’ staff and volunteers serve over 6,412 people a year including children, families in crisis, vulnerable adults, seniors, refugees, the uninsured, the poor, and the unborn - regardless of race, age, gender, faith tradition or ability to pay. Catholic Charities programs include:
Adoption (both domestic and international)
Age Well at Home
Family and individual counseling
Financial Literacy
Health and Wellness
Pregnancy and parenting counseling
Project Rachel (post-abortion counseling)
Guardian/Conservator services for adults
Refugee resettlement
Common Good Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
Medication Application Service (MediAppS)
Parish social ministry
Emergency assistance and disaster recovery assistance
Winona Community Warming Center
Seventy percent of its $2.5 million annual operating budget comes from program service fees and government fees and grants. The remaining 30% is derived from public support including the Catholic Charities Annual Appeal, donations, the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, various United Ways, and bequests. It has offices in Winona, Rochester, Austin, Albert Lea, Owatonna, Mankato, and Worthington.
Catholic Charities is a not-for-profit corporation of the State of Minnesota that enjoys federal income tax exempt status under Section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Its Board of Directors consists primarily of lay people appointed by the Bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Robert Barron, who, by virtue of his position, is the President of the corporation. The Board of Directors elects its own Chair, Vice Chair, and Treasurer. Catholic Charities is a licensed child welfare agency of the State of Minnesota. It is a member of Catholic Charities USA, the Minnesota Catholic Conference, the Minnesota Council of Nonprofits, and numerous United Ways.
Visit our website at:
111 Market Street, Suite 2,
P.O. Box 379
Winona, MN 55987