
Office of Vocations

Is God calling you to the priesthood?

Wondering if you might be called to the priesthood? Check out this website and survey:  http://diocesanpriest.com/am-i-being-called-united-states/

Do you have questions regarding the priesthood? You may find your answer herediocesanpriest.com

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Dominican Sisters of Mary Retreats

Click Here for Retreat Information

Upcoming Events

Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary is hosting a Vocations Information Weekend.  Young men, juniors and seniors in high school or graduated are invited to stay the weekend at IHM to experience seminary life and ask questions. Three weekends are available: November 16-18, 2024; February 22-24,2025; and March 15-17, 2025.  The weekend includes the option of remaining Monday to attend classes with the seminarians. Contact Father Jason Kern if interested: Jkern@dowr.org

Click here to see the IHM website. 

Open Hearts; A Young women's Discernment Day co-sponsored by the Diocese of Winona- Rochester;  St. Mary's University of Minnesota and St. Thomas More Catholic Newman Center in Mankato. Mark your calendars for March 29th 2025. An open invitation to all young women ages 14-35 to listen for God speaking to the heart. He is calling...take time to listen.  

Diocese of Winona-Rochester Prayer for Vocations

Loving Father, source of all that is good, we beg you to look upon us with mercy and love. As your beloved sons and daughters, redeemed in the blood of Jesus Christ, we seek to do your will in every action of our lives.

We beg you now to pour out Your Holy Spirit upon the Diocese of Winona-Rochester and help each member of this diocese to live out the call to holiness given to them in baptism.

Please grant us many priests and consecrated persons to serve Your Church, strong and holy marriages that serve as a sign of Your self-giving love, and single men and women who are intent on living out Your plan for their lives.

Let each of us be more deeply conformed to Your Son, Jesus Christ.

Help us to live in holiness and love, keep us on the path You have marked out for us, which leads to eternal life with You.

May Your grace be abundant as we rejoice in hope and confidently trust in Your Divine Providence each day.

With grateful hearts, we ask this prayer through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in the name of Jesus Christ, who is Lord, forever and ever. Amen.


Rev. Jason Kern

Director of Vocations

2907 Jeremiah Lane NW                                                                                                 Rochester, MN 55901    
Email: jkern@dowr.org


Fr. Brian Mulligan

Vocations Promoter

2907 Jeremiah Lane NW                                                                                                 Rochester, MN 55901    
Email: bmulligan@dowr.org


Paula Harrigan

Administrative Assistant

2907 Jeremiah Lane NW                                                                                                 Rochester, MN 55901    
Email: pharrigan@dowr.org
Phone: 507-361-3367

Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.

Matthew 4:19