Lay Formation and OCIA

Our diocesan Lay Formation ministry provides education and formation opportunities within our diocese to support lay women and men in living out their lay vocation both in the world and within the Church. Our diocesan RCIA ministry provides ongoing communication and support for those working in Christian initiation ministry in our diocese.
Current Programs
Institute of Lay Formation
The diocesan Institute of Lay Formation is a process of prayer, study, and reflection on the Catholic Faith, on the life of discipleship and witness in the world, and on service and ministry within the Church. The Institute has three aspects of its formation:
- Catechesis (Intellectual Formation)
- Lay Leadership (Human and Pastoral Formation)
- Prayer and Reflection (Spiritual Formation)
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which adults are prepared and formed for initiation and entrance into the Catholic Church. The RCIA process “is designed for adults who, after hearing the mystery of Christ proclaimed, consciously and freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their hearts” (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults #1). Our diocesan RCIA ministry works to provide ongoing communication and support for those working in Christian initiation ministry in the parishes and church institutions of our diocese.
Diocesan Ministry Days
Our diocesan “Ministry Days” are an annual gathering for our clergy, parish staff and other lay leaders/volunteers to come together for prayer, sharing, learning, and planning relating to our common ministry here in southern Minnesota.
Todd Graff. I have been blessed and privileged to serve in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester for the past 29 years. Originally, I worked with Catholic Charities to provide leadership and service for our diocese in giving witness to and living out the Church's social mission and ministry in southern Minnesota. Since 1999, I have directed the programs and activities of the diocese relating to lay formation and, since the spring of 2017, to the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). In this role, I strive to accompany lay women and men in the diocese as they seek to live out their Christian vocation in the world more deeply, and to guide and prepare them for more faithful and effective lay leadership in the Church. My greatest source of joy and my primary vocation is to be a husband to my wife, Laurie, and a father to our six children – Isaac, Jesse, Nathan, Samuel, Viva, and Hannah.