human resources

DOW-R (403)b Lay Employees Retirement Plan

**This corresponds with Section C of the "Employee Benefits Guide."

Updated 12/5/2019 to include Roth

Other Retirement Plan Information for Lay Employees

Procedure for Reporting Retirement Benefits to DOW-R Benefit Office

Lincoln 403b Information and Resources

Actively planning for retirement is an important step in achieving a financially secure future.   The DOW-R Benefits Committee, assisted by an independent consultant, performed an extensive review of the 403(b) annuity based plan available via the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. We are pleased to announce that we enhanced our retirement plan by changing our 403(b) offering to a mutual fund based plan with our provider, Lincoln Financial Group. The name of the new plan is the Lincoln Alliance® Program; the change was implemented April 1, 2010.

Information about the Lincoln Alliance Program

A retirement calculator can be found at:

Lincoln Financial Group Customer Services Information

Lincoln Retirement Plan Services Customer Contact Center is staffed from 7 am to 7 pm CT Monday - Friday and can assist 403(b) participants about their account or assist them with transactions by calling:


or online at