life, marriage & family

Marriage Enrichment





Duc in Altum - Into the Deep Marriage Retreat

Registration is now closed for this event. Contact Peter Martin with any questions:




The word "Retrouvaille" (pronounced re-tro-vi with a long i) means "rediscovery". The program helps couples rediscover a loving relationship in the midst of despair. Retrouvaille is a confidential weekend program along with follow up weekends that helps couples learn to better appreciate and communicate with one another. Couples who have experienced disillusionment, pain, anger, and conflict, facilitate the weekend and offer hope so that you both will find courage and strength in that you are not alone in your struggle. For more information about the Retrouvaille program and to register:


Red Bird Ministries

Red Bird Ministries serves ordinary families who have been given an extraordinary cross to carry.

An organization that systematically guides individuals and couples through the complexity and trauma that happens with the loss of a child from pregnancy through adulthood.  The organization was formed to help people understand grief, how to navigate through it, and most crucially, how to begin the healing process. It is Catholic because of the critical role the Church’s Sacraments play in conjunction with the other disciplines in our approach.


Life-Giving Wounds

Life-Giving Wounds is a national Catholic apostolate dedicated to helping men and women who are now-adult children of divorce find deeper healing from their family wounds.

Life-Giving Wounds offers retreats and support groups (both online and in-person), as well as a library of online resources. You can see all upcoming retreats and support groups here, and access resources for adult children of divorce here and here


Springs in the Desert

Springs in the Desert is a community of support born of the shared pain of infertility and the blessing of friendship which grew from it. 

Springs in the Desert as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization to offer spiritual and emotional accompaniment and solidarity to those carrying the cross of infertility. Our Team is here to meet you wherever you are on this path, to walk with you with hope in Christ, and to create a safe place for your story to be heard and understood.


Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage

A simple way to enrich your marriage from the comfort of your home

So you’ve shared an anniversary or two… or twenty… and you’ve learned a lot about yourselves and each other so far. But what if marriage is more than you think it is? What if God has woven into the very fabric of your humanity a purposeful need and desire that can only be fulfilled in your marriage?

Introducing BELOVED—the newest release of the acclaimed Symbolon series. In 12 stunning sessions, BELOVED uncovers the mystery and the meaning of the sacrament of marriage, inviting all couples to experience firsthand the wonder, mystery, and joy behind that first “I do”... whether you said it last year or many years ago.

The Office of Life, Marriage & Family has BELOVED available for loan. Please e-mail Peter Martin if you wish to borrow a set of the DVDs.

Other Resources