Background Checks

All adults who are paid, volunteer personnel, religious communities and clergy (bishops, priests [diocesan, religious, visiting and international], deacons and seminarians) must complete a criminal background check. Criminal background checks are required to be updated every five years. We offer online services for background checks through S2Verify, Inc. Click the link for more info about our background screening provider.
For more information regarding system requirements, fees and processing, please contact the Office of Safe Environment Mary Hamann.
An S2Verify Authorization Form is required for each criminal background check. Once completed, the form and the results of the background check are kept on file at the appropriate location in a secured, locked area. Each organization shall maintain a database of all staff and volunteers with the dates of each person's criminal background check.
In accordance with the Charter for the Protection of Children or Young People, when a priest, religious or deacon, not incardinated in the diocese, is to engage in ministry in the diocese, regardless of the length of time, the evaluation of his background may be satisfied through a written attestation of suitability for ministry supplied by his proper ordinary/major superior to the diocese. This includes all international, temporarily assigned and visiting priest, religious or deacon.