safe environment

Victim Assistance Coordinator (VAC)

Any individual who has experienced abuse by a member of the clergy, a person in leadership or parish ministry serving in our diocese should call (507) 454-2270, ext. 255 and make a report to the Assistance Coordinator in the Safe Environment Office of the diocese.

…or write via U.S. Mail…

Sarah Vetter - Victim Assistance Coordinator
Diocese of Winona-Rochester - Safe Environment Office
2907 Jeremiah Lane NW
Rochester, MN 55901

(507) 454-2270, ext. 255

Support Services

If you are a survivor or family member of a survivor we will help you to obtain support by providing a variety of resources that will help you in the event you have experienced ministry-related abuse. The Safe Environment Office of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester offers:

  • Information about spiritual directors
  • Name of advocates
  • Information about counseling through individual/group counseling, therapy and/or support.
  • Options for financial resources for insurance co-pays, etc.

The Challenges and Rewards of Victim Assistance Coordinators

We reached out to Victim Assistance Coordinators around the country to learn more about their work. They share the sorrows and joys of this critically important work in the lives of survivors of clergy sexual abuse.