Children's Faith Formation

With the Christian family, parents are the primary educators in the faith and ‘the first heralds of the faith with regard to their children’. But all the members make up the family, and each can make a unique contribution to creating the basic environment in which a sense of God’s loving presence is awakened and faith in Jesus Christ is confessed, encouraged and lived.
National Directory for the Catechisis
Catechetical Texts
Treasury of Prayer
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Interested in Montessori-style faith formation? Check out Catechesis of the Good Shepherd HERE.
Resources for Children with Special Needs
Looking for resources for children with disabilities and diverse learners? Start here!
Learn more about faith formation with children on the spectrum for autism here.
Check out ideas for celebrating Mass with children who have special needs here.
Loyola Press has Adaptive Learning Kits for children preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation. They also have an Adaptive program called "Finding God" for general faith formation. Find out more here!
See here for online training for catechists in working with children with special needs.