Family Faith Formation
With the Christian family, parents are the primary educators in the faith and ‘the first heralds of the faith with regard to their children’. But all the members make up the family, and each can make a unique contribution to creating the basic environment in which a sense of God’s loving presence is awakened and faith in Jesus Christ is confessed, encouraged and lived.
National Directory for the Catechisis

The practices of faith are learned in the home and in the parish community. The family is the Christian community in which children first experience faith and love. God is experienced in the family's relationships.
Below are some recommended Family Ministry programs that can be utilized and implemented in various ways in parish settings:
Family Formation is a truly innovative K-6th grade Catholic religious education program used by parishes and families across the US and Canada. Based on the principle that "Parents are the primary educators in the Faith" [General Directory for Catechesis (GDC) 255], Family Formation revolves around weekly family gatherings and home lessons. This shared learning experience spills over into the family's everyday life. Click HERE for more information on Family Formation.
Faith and Family Life Catholic Ministries utilizes a "readiness model" approach involving families in engaging catechesis in the home for First Communion and First Reconciliation. Their teen approach brings families to the parish for shared prayer and catechesis directed toward the needs of the parent and teen specifically. Click HERE for more information on Faith and Family Life Catholic Ministries.
Build up the domestic church with creating and nourishing a space for your family to pray together. The Praying Family is an initiative of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, and we seek to provide engaging ways for the family to pray together in various liturgical seasons along with informational newsletters and videos to encourage you along the way. Click HERE for more information on The Praying Family. Sign up for The Praying Family newsletter HERE.