Catholic in Recovery

We welcome all Catholics who are interested in recovery from addiction and deepening their relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church.
Catholic in Recovery is a nonprofit organization that seeks to serve those suffering from addictions and unhealthy attachments (including alcoholism, drug addiction, pornography addiction, sex and relationship addiction, compulsive overeating and food addictions, gambling addiction, codependency and the impact on family, and general fear, control, and anxiety). The organization was started by the passion of Scott Weeman as he found healing and new life through the help of twelve step recovery and the sacramental love and mercy provided by the Catholic Church. We support parishes and communities with group resources that draw people closer to these two powerful sources of grace. It is the aim of Catholic in Recovery to share the Good News that God can bring about healing and recovery, even in the most hopeless of cases.
The Office of Missionary Discipleship is presently encouraging the founding of groups throughout the diocese, and anyone interested in learning more about creating a local group may contact Susan Windley-Daoust at
Catholic in Recovery
Watch Catholic in Recovery video. More videos for Catholic in Recovery from New Eve Media
Starting Jan 1, 2022--
Catholic in Recovery (General Recovery group)
Address: Holy Spirit Church, Rochester. St. Joseph room
When: Sundays, 7:30 PM
Contact Info: Peter at or 507-696-7437
Current local Catholic in Recovery groups:
GENERAL RECOVERY – QUEEN OF ANGELS School Bldg., (Door 1, first room on right)
Address: 1001 Oakland Ave E, Austin, MN 55912
When: Thursdays at 7:00 pm Contact Info: Jane - 218-429-1522 or Paul - 218-429-1662
CiR “Friends and Family” meeting (for people who love someone in addiction), Queen of Angels Catholic Church, Tuesdays at 10am.
For more information about this apostolate, please see .
The Diocese of Winona-Rochester Catholic in Recovery groups are grateful for the Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota’s grant support.