Unbound Ministry

What is Unbound prayer?
The Unbound Ministry is a ministry of healing in which a trained prayer team prays with individuals to assist them in overcoming the spiritual obstacles they encounter in their path of Christian discipleship and take hold of greater freedom in Christ. This ministry uses the Five Keys of the Unbound model of deliverance developed by Heart of the Father Ministries (heartofthefather.com). Individuals who come for Unbound prayer share their personal story related to the area where they sense they need freedom and are led by the prayer team through a series of prayers based on the Five Keys of Unbound:
- First Key: Repentance and Faith
- Second Key: Forgiveness
- Third Key: Renunciation
- Fourth Key: Taking Authority
- Fifth Key: The Father’s Blessing
Examples of situations where Unbound prayer can be an effective help for individuals include:
Habitual sin
Marital/family discord
Inability to forgive
Relationship struggles
Persistently negative view of God or self
Chronic fear, anxiety or sadness
Stalled spiritual life
Anywhere in your life where you feel “stuck” and desire greater freedom
The Unbound Ministry is a critical part of missionary discipleship because it helps us personally and helps us help others to move beyond the spiritual obstacles that prevent us from moving forward in our relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church. This method of prayer addresses areas of pain, sin, and weakness and leads us to lay claim to the freedom that is ours through our Baptism. Without this key piece, would-be disciples of the Lord risk getting stuck along the journey. Unbound helps keep all of us moving forward and deeper into life in Christ. As each individual person begins to flourish spiritually, it brings life to the individual, to the family, and to the entire parish community!
If you enjoy listening to podcasts, our own Fr. Andrew Beerman provides an introduction to Unbound prayer ministry here: https://prfathers.podbean.com/e/unbound-intro-fr-beerman/
To learn more about Unbound and Heart of the Father Ministries, visit HeartoftheFather.com.
This text was lightly adapted from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s website, and used with permission.
Diocese of Winona-Rochester Unbound Prayer Ministry
If you speak English and desire to receive this prayer, call the Unbound prayer request line at (507) 858-1274. You can leave a message, and we will call you back promptly to discuss your needs and set you up with the team closest to you.
If you speak Spanish, please call Fr. Luis Vargas to set up an Unbound prayer appointment with Spanish speakers trained in Unbound. En español : 507 288-7313.
If a parish wishes to bring in Unbound ministry for a day of reflection or more, please contact Deacon John Hust at 1-507-361-1930.
With the permission of the diocese, we are able to offer Unbound prayer via Zoom in particular circumstances during the pandemic. Please inquire for specifics.